27-4-2024 Weather is partly cloudy over the South Andaman Sea and South Bay and a few cloud  over the North Andaman Sea and elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.

Earthquake News

Earthquake News
EARTHQUAKE NEWS      A moderate earthquake of magnitude (5.4) Richter Scale with its epicenter (Myanmar Sea, about (16)miles southwest of Gwa), latitude 17.53°N, longitude 94.34°E, depth (14)...
Earthquake News
EARTHQUAKE NEWS A slight earthquake of magnitude (3.2) Richter Scale with its epicenter inside Myanmar (about (36)miles north of Thabeikkyin), latitude 23.41°N, longitude 95.93°E, depth (10)...
Earthquake News
EARTHQUAKE NEWS A slight earthquake of magnitude (4.2)Richter Scale with its epicenter inside Myanmar (about (13)miles northeast of Kunhing), latitude 21.46°N, longitude 98.53°E, depth (31)kilometers...
Earthquake News
EARTHQUAKE NEWS A strong earthquake of magnitude (6.2) Richter Scale with its epicenter outside Myanmar (Timor Region), latitude 8.39°S, longitude 127.24°E, depth (84)kilometers, about (2745) miles...
Earthquake News
EARTHQUAKE NEWS    A slight earthquake of magnitude (4.8) Richter Scale with its epicenter outside Myanmar (Andaman Islands, India Region), latitude 13.19°N, longitude 93.44°E, depth (108) kilometers...
