25-10-2024: Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over the South Andaman Sea, North Bay, Westcentral Bay and South Bay and a few cloud over the North Andaman Sea and elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.

Meteorological Division

Meteorological Division is one of the Technical Division in the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. And issue meteorological information, warning, news, alerts and special outlook to the prevent Natural disasters. Meteorological Division support innovative Public Weather Services of information, data, weather forecasts, advise and observations to decision makers, policy makers, Agriculture, Livestock Breeding, Health, Transportation, Defense, Energy and other sectors with the supervision of Ministry of Transport.

Services Provision

Meteorological division, comprises Weather Forecasting Section, Record Section, Library and Medium and Long Range Forecast section, Climate and Climate Research Section.

Weather forecast section provide 24/7 services, collects the observations from weather stations from Regions and States plot the conventional weather maps, comprehensively analyze satellite images and the regional weather condition from the neighboring countries. After processing the different observations, Duty forecaster prepare for the Daily weather forecast and disseminate to all users including higher authorities and state media with various communication channels. During the severe weather time such as cyclone, cyclone and storm surge news and warning are updated (3) to (5) times a day according to intensity and severity.

Record section archive the Climatic Data reported by the Meteorological/ Hydrological/Agro meteorological/Aeronautical Meteorological stations. And provided Climate data to the government office, agencies and organizations. Private agencies and other Foreign companies can be obtained Climatic data with reasonable charges of Local and/or Foreign currency. Climatic data are archived systematically both hard copy and soft copy such as Climate Computing Software (CLICOM) since 1999.

Library/ Medium and Long Range Forecast section issue (10) day and Monthly weather forecast, submit Climate Reports, Research papers, archive technical documents from WMO and other Institutions, records Newspapers and prepare and provide training documents and notes for Refresher courses. Generally Medium and Long Range weather forecast are issued based on Analogue method, outlook of International and regional Climate information centers. Statistical method for Long Range Weather forecast is under research.

Climate section analyze Climate pattern of Myanmar, submit the Reports, compile Climate Atlas for every (10) years and monitor the significant climate condition like El Nino, La Nina and their intensity. Climate section observed and prepare reports if there solar and Lunar eclipse events occur in Myanmar.

Lists of Observation stations

(1) Meteorological station (63)

(2) Meteorology and Hydrology station (39)

(3) Agrometorological station (17)

(4) Aeronautical Meteorological office (8)

(5) Tide gauge station (2)

Above stations make regularly observations on fixed time for various weather elements. Different kind of observations from types of stations observed such as; weather station make rainfall observation once per day at (09:30)hr ,Maximum temperature at (18:30)hr and Minimum temperature at (06:30)hr local time.(5) times a day for Wind direction, speed, Atmospheric pressure, Cloudiness, Humidity, evaporation, weather condition. Aeronautical Meteorological office observe weather conditions every half an hour.


Forecast: Daily Weather Forecast,(10)day weather forecast, monthly weather forecast, General Weather forecast for whole monsoon season, early, peak and late monsoon forecast,sea route forecast,special weather forecast.

Warning: Cyclone,storm surge, strong wind, Port warning, heavy rainfall, Foggy weather,severe weather.

News:Cyclone, special weather, record breaking of rainfall and temperature.

Bulletin: Bay of Bengal, Agrometeorological

Department of Meteorology and Hydrology is trying to implement for the better user oriented services to our users. At the same time, DMH closely cooperate with Higher Authorities, concerned Ministries, Local Authorities, Stake holders, Media and other partners to enhance the Public Awareness and education, disaster risk reduction.