7-5-2024 Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over the South Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

(10) days water levels forecast

Water level forecast for First (10) days of October 2016

(Issued on 28-9-2016)

             The water levels of Ayeyarwady river are forecast to rise about ( 3- 4 ) feet at Myitkyina, Bhamo, Shwegu and Katha, about (1 - 3) feet at Thabeikyin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Myinmu, Pakokku, Nyaung Oo, Chauk, Minbu, Magway, Aunglan, Pyay, Seiktha, Hinthada and Zalun during the first (10) days of October.

            The water levels of Chindwin river are forecast to rise about (3 - 5) feet at Hkamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, and (1 - 3) feet at Mawlaik, Kalewa, Mingin, Kani and Monywa during the first (10) days of October.