18-2-2025: Weather is partly cloudy over the South Andaman Sea and South Bay, a few cloud over the North Andaman Sea and Central Bay and generally fair over the North Bay of Bengal.
Heavy RainFall Warning
Significant Weather Condition
Wed, 08/23/2017 - 17:15
Significant Weather Condition
(Issued (14:00) hrs MST on 23- 8-2017)
According to the observations at (13:30)hrs M. S. T today, Typhoon “Hato” over the South China Sea is crossing to the Southern...
Continuation of heavyfalls warning
Wed, 08/23/2017 - 16:30
Continuation of heavyfalls warning
(Issued (14:00) hrs MST on 13- 6-2017)
Due to the Depression crossed the Bangladesh Coasts and monsoon is strong to vigorous over (Rakhine) the Bay of Bengal, rain...
Continuation of heavyfalls warning
Tue, 06/13/2017 - 15:00
Continuation of heavyfalls warning
(Issued (14:00) hrs MST on 13- 6-2017)
Due to the Depression crossed the Bangladesh Coasts and monsoon is strong to vigorous over (Rakhine) the Bay of Bengal, rain...
Warning (18.8.2016)
Thu, 08/18/2016 - 15:00
Heavy Rain Falls Warn
(Issued (14:00) hrs MST on 18- 8-2016)
According to the observations at (13:30)hrs M.S.T today, the tropical storm “Dianmu” over South China Sea may cross to the Vietnam Coasts...
Heavy rainfall warning
Tue, 10/06/2015 - 15:00
Heavy rainfall warning
(Issued (14:00) hrs MST on 6- 10-2015)
According to the observations and analysis of meteorological conditions at (13:30) hrs MST today, under the influence of unstable...